Stephanie Draper

Chief executive


Stephanie Draper is Bond’s chief executive. Stephanie has spent over 20 years working to accelerate a just and sustainable future, with a focus on sustainable development. She brings extensive international experience of bringing sectors together to collaborate and shape a better future.

She was previously at Forum for the Future working on how to practically achieve the systems change needed to deliver the UN Global Goals. As their chief change officer and deputy CEO she shaped the sustainable nutrition, 1.5 degrees and sustainable value chains and livelihoods Labs and how organisations can deliver transformational strategies. She also created new approaches to understanding impact.

She has been instrumental in creating a number of cross sector initiatives (between business, NGOs and governments) and partnership such as the Protein Challenge, the Sustainable Shipping Initiative and the School of Systems Change, where she is faculty. Prior to Forum Stephanie founded the Corporate Responsibility team at The Work Foundation.