
We have partnered with INTRAC to provide Bond members with a range of training and learning opportunities.

We are working together to provide high-quality training and thought leadership to INGOs in their practice, supporting them and strengthening longer-term change within the sector.

Through the partnership, Bond members receive a 10% discount on all INTRAC courses. Go to the course page, complete the short application form and the INTRAC team will apply the discount.

INTRAC also design tailor-made in-house training to suit the needs of organisations. Through their global partnerships, INTRAC is diversifying their training content, trainers pool and offer for the future.

Upcoming courses

Advocacy Strategy and Influencing Skills – online – Oct-Dec 2024

This online course introduces participants to the core skills needed to influence powerful stakeholders and policy processes in a range of contexts. It also gives participants a thorough understanding of how to develop and monitor effective advocacy strategies. The course is articulated in 8 weekly modules, with a combination of seven live sessions and independent learning.

Book your place

Monitoring Evaluation and Learning – online – Sept-Nov 2024

Do you need to build effective monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) into project and programme work for both accountability and learning? This course will strengthen your skills in supporting the monitoring and evaluation objectives of your organisation, from programme design through to evaluation and impact assessment.

Book your place

Monitoring & Evaluation Systems Advanced – online – September-October 2024

The course will set out the key components of an M&E system, discuss the different influences on a M&E system and how to manage these, and the steps to take to diagnose and rectify problems with an M&E system. It will also cover how to make decisions on what information to collect, how to summarise and aggregate that information, and how M&E systems differ for projects, complex programmes and organisations.

Book now

Partner Capacity Strengthening – online – Oct-Dec 2024

Are you involved in capacity strengthening or organisational development work with local partners, and finding things aren’t going as you imagined they would?  Maybe you’re grappling with how to provide remote capacity strengthening support? If these are the sorts of challenges that you’re facing, then INTRAC’s Partner Capacity Strengthening online course is designed to help.

Book now

Theory of Change – promoting locally-led change (online) November 2024

This training will provide the opportunity to learn about and gain confidence in the processes for developing a ToC.  It is a practical course using a step-by-step approach and proven techniques for generating and exploring change options, developing robust and evidenced pathways for change, testing assumptions and integrating the ToC into MEL plans.

Book now

Other learning opportunities

We have ample other opportunities for members to learn, evolve, and improve how their organisations work and how the sector works together.

We provide everything from webinars to working groups, roundtables to resources, learning cohorts and recommended suppliers. There are so many ways to learn with us – get involved.


We host regular events, both online and in-person, bringing together influential thinkers, NGOs, donors and policy-makers for lively debates and networking.

Our events are a chance to interrogate the latest challenges in the sector and get new ideas to drive positive change.

Find out more

Working groups

Did you know that Bond has over 40 working groups with more than 3,000 members, each focusing on key thematic areas in the development and humanitarian sector?

Join these communities of practice and learning to discuss challenges, engage in joint advocacy, share and learn from other organisations and network with fellow development professionals.

Join a working group

Learning cohorts

Bond hosts learning cohorts to support our members over longer periods of time on their learning journeys on specific topics. Recent cohorts include:


Bond has a resource hub full of the most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development. Check out some recent resources below and visit the resource hub for many more.

Visit the resource hub

Bond Directory

All our previous trainers can be found on Bond’s Supplier Directory, which pulls together some of the best consultants, trainers, legal experts, travel agents and higher education providers in international development and humanitarian assistance.

Bond has made all of its current course content available to our associate trainers, who may be available to provide you with the training appropriate to your organisation’s needs – so make the Bond Directory your go-to place to find expert trainers in the sector!

Find a supplier

News and views

Learn from Bond experts, members and thought-leaders from civil society by keeping up to date with our news and views page.

Each week, we share the latest insights and trends across a range of topics, from UK aid to politics, funding to communications and anti-racism in the sector.

Read now

If you have any questions about training and learning, please contact Mike Wright, Bond’s Director of Communications and Membership, on [email protected]

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Join our growing community of over 4,000 development professionals who are already learning and developing with us at Bond.

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