What can we learn from working in consortia?
WebinarWorking in consortia brings organisations together to tackle complex development challenges.
In the Learning from Consortia programme’s first event, sector experts will explore how to co-create a consortium and how consortia can adapt to change and uncertainty across different themes.
By collaborating as a consortium, organisations can pool their resources to achieve a common goal. However, there are also significant challenges in setting up a consortium, and recent funding uncertainties coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic have forced consortia to innovate and adapt.
Through the learnings and experiences of UK Aid Connect consortia, we will:
- Explore the experiences of consortia in the co-creation and implementation stages
- Provide guidance for setting-up consortia and discuss the different models of governance structures
- Share how consortia have adapted and innovated in the face of the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic and substantial funding uncertainties.
Presentations from the webinar can be found here. Infographic showing how consortia adapted to Covid-19
This event has been held as part of the Learning from Consortia programme.
The what can we learn from working in consortia report can be found here.

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Transcription of the event can be seen here.