Safeguarding Leadership Tool Launch – For CEOs and leaders
Recent failures in safeguarding in the international development and humanitarian sector have shown that organisations cannot deliver good safeguarding practice without a healthy safeguarding culture.
At the October 2018 summit on tackling sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH) in the international aid sector, stakeholders across the sector, including UK NGOs represented by Bond, came together and made commitments for root-to-branch change in the way the sector operates.
In recognition of this, The Leadership and Culture working group identified that success in safeguarding is about much more than compliance, it is about culture. To help organisations move towards sustainable change, the group developed a tool to help NGO leaders understand and improve the safeguarding culture in their organisations – The Safeguarding Leadership Tool.
The Safeguarding Leadership Tool is a discussion-based tool to support leaders of organisations to understand what a positive safeguarding culture looks like. It will help leaders to assess their organisational culture in relation to safeguarding and develop clear actions to help prevent all types of harm, including sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH).
In this session we will:
- Officially announce the full online opening of the Safeguarding Leadership Tool.
- Celebrate and discuss the achievement and project with the co-chairs.
- Commence the work of training and supporting the use of the tool and gathering of findings.
- Invite CEO champions to start using the tool and share their experience.
The session will start with an hour launch session with Bond leadership and co-chairs.