Bond reacts to Government response to IDC inquiry on extreme poverty and SDGs
Today, 6 March, the UK Government released its response to the International Development Committee’s Fifth Report of Session 2022–23 on Extreme poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Key highlights from the response
- Government commits to continuing to direct its development work to support progress towards the SDGs and putting an end to extreme poverty but does not commit to the IDC’s recommendation to create a dedicated Leave No-one Behind portfolio.
- Government also reiterates its commitment to attain ‘very good’ in 2024 aid transparency index.
- Government is yet to make a decision on a Voluntary National Review of their progress against the SDGs.
- Government does not acknowledge the Committee’s recommendation to rethink climate finance coming from ODA budget.
- Government does not acknowledge the recommendation that 50% ODA should go to Fragile and Conflict-Affected States.
- Government does not acknowledge the recommendation for the BII Impact Framework to be updated.
- The response does not provide the strategic joined-up approach requested on health and girls’ education.
In reaction to the response, Dr Rowan Popplewell, Interim Head of Policy and Advocacy, said:
“We welcome the government’s reiteration of their commitment to leave no one behind and focus on tackling extreme poverty, but we need more than words if the government is to deliver this objective.
We know what works, we now need to put it into action. This means providing long-term support that targets the drivers of poverty, including the impact of conflict and climate change, with clear milestones and aligning all trade and investment activity with the SDGs.
As a first step, ahead of the SDG summit in September, we hope the government will commit to completing a Voluntary National Review of their progress against the SDGs in 2023, that way we will know what needs to be done to ensure we are on track to meet the SDGs.”
Notes for editors
- The response is available to read online.
- More about the IDC inquiry into Extreme poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Bond is the UK network for organisations working in international development. Bond unites and supports a diverse network of over 400 civil society organisations from across the UK, and allies to help eradicate global poverty, inequality and injustice.
- For further information or interviews please contact Jess Salter at [email protected]