Safeguarding governance for boards of trustees

This bespoke workshop equips boards of trustees to meet their responsibilities for safeguarding. Delivered in-house for your organisation.

Are you a trustee of an INGO and unsure of your roles and responsibilities for safeguarding? Are you concerned about the actions you need to take?

Bond provides bespoke workshops on safeguarding for boards of trustees which support you to fulfil legal and donor requirements and develop an appropriate safeguarding culture.


By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Explain what safeguarding means in the context of the international development sector and why it is important to for your organisation
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities in safeguarding based on legal and donor requirements as well as international standards​
  • Explain how Trustees can encourage a respectful and accountable organisational culture ​
  • Identify red flag issues of concern at the strategic and leadership level​
  • Explain how to strengthen organisational policies and create risk registers as part of a safeguarding framework
  • Our safeguarding trainers are all development and humanitarian professionals with several years of experience supporting organisations in governance and accountability mechanisms for safeguarding.

To find out more, contact [email protected].