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Specialist training providers for safeguarding and events

17 August 2018Bond

A number of organisations support NGOs with their safeguarding. We’ve listed some of the training and consultancy support available.


We run training courses to support NGOs improve their safeguarding practice. As well as public courses, we offer tailored programmes to meet your specific organisational requirements. We can also provide feedback on your safeguarding policies, procedures and practices.

  • Good safeguarding practice, which equips participants to develop a robust approach to safeguarding, including risk assessments, prevention, reporting and response procedures, and an improved ability to meet statutory and donor requirements, strengthen safeguarding policies and procedures and support partners. For safeguarding leads or focal points, HR managers or designated safeguarding officers.
  • Managing safeguarding investigations equips participants to manage an investigation into safeguarding concerns, including how to develop risk assessments and terms of reference for an investigation, appoint an investigation team, and manage stakeholder relationships and reporting processes.
  • Safeguarding governance for boards of trustees provides bespoke workshops on safeguarding which support boards and senior leadership teams to fulfil legal and donor requirements and develop an appropriate safeguarding culture.

Below is a selection of learning providers and resources that address safeguarding, sexual exploitation and abuse in the development and humanitarian sectors. Online resources are free to use, however you will need to register with the learning provider to access these.

  • The Open University in partnership with the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has launched a collection of three supported online training courses focused on Safeguarding for the International Aid Sector. Course 2 in the collection “Implementing Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector” will provide learners in the international aid sector with an understanding of how to implement safeguarding throughout their organisation. The course starts on 29 November, 2021 and learners can register here.
  • Kaya (by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy) offer safeguarding modules as well as other relevant courses such as child protection:
    • Safeguarding Essentials. This one-hour course introduces the non-negotiable safeguarding norms, guiding learners on how to recognise potential safeguarding concerns and how to report them.
    • Introduction to Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Managing sexual exploitation and abuse investigations.
    • Safeguarding VR is a 15-minute virtual reality (VR) training experience, which immerses the learner in an interactive and realistic scenario, allowing them to practice how to respond to someone who is reporting a safeguarding incident.
  • disasterready.org offer self-study learning programmes including:
    • Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (InterAction). A comprehensive curriculum including modules on Introduction to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Mainstreaming of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Managing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Investigations.
    • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Course (UNHCR). A 1-hour online course targeted at UN staff.
    • Child Safeguarding (Save the Children). A 3-minute video covering some of the signs of potential Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and how you can respond to effectively safeguard children.
  • CHS Alliance offer face-to-face training in Sexual Exploitation and Abuse investigations.
  • ChildHope offer lunch-and-learn seminars on child safeguarding topics.
  • Safeguarding Matters is a 5-part training course aimed at non-safeguarding specialists. The course will be available offline and in multiple languages and each module is complemented by follow up safeguarding notifications to refresh your learning. Modules will be released throughout 2021.


We recognise that organisations may require specialist support to review and update their safeguarding practices. CHS Alliance has a list of approved PSEA trainers and investigators.

ChildHope offer consultancy support on child safeguarding for organisations.