
Evidence Principles

3 January 2018Bond





The Bond Evidence Principles and checklist are for assessing and improving the quality of evidence in evaluation reports, research reports and case studies.

They have been designed specifically for NGOs and can be used when commissioning, designing and reviewing evidence-based work. The principles help ensure that decisions about projects and programmes are made on the highest quality basis.

Organisations are using the principles to meet a variety of needs. For example:

  • to critically review and reflect on the quality of evidence-based work before signing it off (e.g. evaluation reports, case studies, annual reports and research studies).
  • to design terms of reference for evaluators and researchers, to ensure high quality work;
  • as a reference when designing project-specific Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plans
  • to facilitate peer reviews of evidence-based work by other organisations;
  • as a basis for organisation-specific quality standards for evaluations and research.

In order to allow us to monitor use, you will need to fill in a few details in order to access the Evidence Principles. Please complete the form below to access the file.