Check your competencies as a project or programme manager
This tool enables project and programme managers to check their competencies against an industry standard for development organisations, helping you to prioritise and plan your personal development.
Competencies are defined as integrated sets of skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required to perform effectively in a given job, role or situation.
The tool contains a list of 31 project manager competencies and 5 programme manager competencies. Go through the list assessing your level between 1 and 4 in each competency.
The levels are:
- This concept is new or somewhat unfamiliar to me
- I don’t fully understand this concept yet and need more practice
- I understand this concept and can demonstrate my understanding
- I understand this concept so well that I can modify it, apply it in news ways, and teach it
Then go through the list again with your manager, a colleague or a mentor and assess what is required for the job you are doing. When you have finished, you can create your personal development plan by clicking the “My Plan” button. It will show the difference between your present competency level and what is required for the job.
The project manager competencies are organised in four areas as in the Project Management for Development Professionals (PMD Pro) model, an internationally-recognised project manager qualification.
This tool has been developed by the Bond Project Management Group in partnership with Bond members PM4NGOs, Humentum and Project Managers Against Poverty. Click here to join the Project Management Group.