Aneeta Williams is a former lawyer turned international development and humanitarian practitioner. Her specialisms include International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, Gender and SGBV, Safeguarding and Protection, Access to Justice for Victims and Juveniles; Accountability, Policy and Advocacy.
Over 16 years, she has advised, supported and trained INGOs, networks and faith-based organisations across the globe to develop robust safeguarding policies, procedures, monitoring tools and investigation guidelines based on international standards and good practice.
She is an accredited Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Investigator under the Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance and has undertaken several investigations. She is a founding Board member of the Keeping Children Safe Coalition and supported the development and implementation of international standards and resources on child safeguarding. As Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative (PSVI) Expert, Aneeta has worked on the documentation and investigation of sexual violence of the refugee crisis in the Middle East and East Africa.
She has written several articles, conference papers, resources, polices and publications on safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable groups and is a regular invited speaker at law schools and at events.