Bond’s consolidated submission to DFID review
DFID has invited Bond to provide a consolidated submission of 8-10 pages (in total to cover all 5 lines of enquiry) based on members’ inputs and our own pre-existing evidence base.
Bond will build on the consultative work we have already done with the sector through the Fast Forward Report, and we would welcome members’ further contributions and inputs to this submission.
In order to be able to reflect inputs effectively and submit a representative document to DFID, we need to ask members to submit their inputs to us by 2 September 2015. Given the tight timeframe we unfortunately will not be able to share a draft with members before we send it to DFID, but will publish it on our website for transparency. We will try our hardest to reflect a diversity of views, though naturally in the interest of brevity and impact we will not be in a position to capture everything. To help us ensure the document is as representative and impactful as possible, we would ask you to please take account of the following guidelines:
- Submit no more than a page of A4 under each line of enquiry – and please submit separate documents under each line of enquiry that you wish to comment on
- Highlight three key messages at the top of your submission so we know your priority points
- Share points which you may prefer to make under a joint submission rather than as an individual organisation
- Provide evidence and references where possible
Please send your inputs as separate documents under each of the lines of enquiry, following the guidelines above, to Vicki Finn at [email protected] no later than close of business on 2 September 2015. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with Vicki, either via email or on +44 (0)20 7837 8344.